What documents and materials do companies order for translation?

In the era of globalisation, many companies communicate with their clients and partners around the world. Increasingly more often, entrepreneurs need professional translations of various materials – from websites to partnership agreements. Understanding which documents are most often translated in companies helps the entrepreneurs prepare for global expansion.

Types of documents and materials translated for companies

Contemporary business goes beyond borders forcing companies to communicate in numerous languages. The most frequently needed foreign language content includes website translations which are the showcase of a given company in a digital world. Next, all types of agreements and other documents, including letters which must be translated by a sworn translation agency in order to be officially recognised in Poland and be understood by the interested parties.

Translation of legal documents and agreements

Partnership agreements, cooperation agreements and other legal documents are the foundation for operational security of each international transaction. Precise document translation produced by a sworn translator ensures legality in international trade. It is necessary to ensure that all parties to a transaction have clear understanding of the contents of a given transaction and their obligations arising thereof. Translations for companies can be ordered both in person at the translation office or using online services of a sworn translator.

Translation of advertising materials

Translations of advertising materials such as posters, billboards or digital materials should be mentioned among inquiries received by a certified translation office in Wrocław. Moreover, translation of an instruction manual is important for companies which sell abroad electronic products, toys or other devices requiring information on their assembly, launch or use. It should be noted that instruction manual and brochure translations to the language of a country selling specific products constitutes a legal requirement.

The importance of translating e-commerce documents in a company

Translating documents providing for the rights of users is also important in case of companies pursuing e.g. e-commerce activity, selling their products to foreign markets. Such documents include:

  • cookies policy,
  • privacy policy,
  • rules of data storage and processing,
  • marketing consents.

Translated documents and regulations allow the clients and contractors to verify compliance of a company’s provisions with international guidelines on data protection. Precise translation of these documents is one of the steps which build trust and provide understanding of local provisions by users of various countries.

Translations for companies and their importance in international communication

Companies which sell products to international markets must adjust their advertising messages to specificity of each country in order to demonstrate values and beliefs of a given brand effectively. It is equally important to comply with legal provisions applicable in various countries. In this situation, a list of documents which must be translated is extended by e.g. business activity permits or compliance certificates.

Education and international trainings

Companies investing in development of their employees who come from various countries must provide training materials in native languages of all employees. Translation of handbooks, guidebooks or online courses helps to increase the effectiveness of trainings and guarantees that all employees have equal access to knowledge and skills that are indispensable at work.


How to choose an appropriate translator?

Look up your translator’s experience and qualifications. The office of a Sworn Translator and Interpreter of the English Language, Jacek Kasprzyk offers a wide range of Polish-English translations, certified and specialist, ensuring precision and timeliness. Our English-Polish translator is not only a well-educated English philologist with over 16 years of experience, but also a lawyer by education. Are you looking for a dependable place to translate documents in Polish-English or English-Polish language pair? Do not hesitate to contact us!

How much does 1 page of a sworn translation cost?

Prices for one page of a certified (sworn) translation range from approximately PLN 50 to 120 depending on a language and level of complexity of a given text.


Does an agreement require certified translation?

Although provisions do not impose a special form of translation of an agreement, it is recommended to use services offered by a sworn translator in order to maintain credibility of a document. It is particularly significant in case of documents of official nature and commercial transactions.


In what language should an instruction manual be drawn up?

Pursuant to directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, each product or device sold in Poland must have its instruction manual in Polish. It is a legal requirement which aims at providing the users with security and understanding the use of purchased goods.


How does a document translated by a sworn translator look like?

A document translated by a sworn translator contains detailed description of the contents included therein, including information whether the translator used original document or a copy thereof for translation. Furthermore, if the original contains illegible parts, the translator notes this fact, providing full clarity of the process of translation.

Source: Freepik